Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Master Your Motion for Weight Loss Success

The three kings who wish to reign supreme in your body fat success program are the following:

1) Know your numbers.
2) Eat smartly.
3) Apply specific exercises.

In fact, consider these your ACES because when push comes to shove, aces often beat out kings.

Perhaps you remember the story I shared with readers on the previous post to this message. It was about the three ladies at work, all who were interested in doing something to curtail their excess body fat. However, it seems that they were expecting NOT to have to DO anything to achieve their own progress. It appears that in their minds, they were hoping to only write down what I said. Then, to read those guidelines and "POOOFFF"... body fat success would simply appear like a magic genie.

Forgive me for being the one who introduced them to weight loss reality...
( s m i l e ).

So, here is what happened...

When I actually GAVE them the big body fat "secret" above... the smiles disappeared from all of their faces... almost simultaneously.

I told them...

ONE: They needed to make time to walk around the block during their lunch breaks at work, or even after work, or before work.

TWO: The "fast-food" they were buying and eating at work and/or before and after work, needed to be substituted with less-fatty selections brought in fresh from home.

THREE: Lastly, they needed to personally discover their own, individual calorie counts... that is, the actual number of calories in the foods they were eating each day.

And, POW! Just like that... weight loss anticipation almost completely disappeared.

Now, being a motivator like I am, certainly I do know the cure for that response. I had the option to come back again on another day, and offer to run around the block with them. This would get them started, and allow them a chance to "feel" how good it really feels when your body returns to its natural, healthy, active, almost God-given state. Yet, the mind is what plays powerful tricks on most "wanna-be" weight loss candidates. Although the mind is willing, as they say, the flesh remains weakened by the "temptation to continue taking it easy."

Nothing's wrong with taking it easy. For one, it means, less stress, and that certainly is an extremely positive benefit. Yet, in the world of exercise science, human anatomy, and biomechanics... as a weight loss candidate, you already bear an unconscious responsibility. And, that challenge is to intentionally create / find positive reasons to make your body move. Here is what happens when your body is in motion (should you accept the challenge of leading it there)...

- You will wear a smile more often because the endorphins released in your brain by exercise continue to fire. In a word, you literally feel good.

- Your life begins to improve in practically unexplainable ways... it has to do with the cosmic forces coming together around your personal world. This is similar to "the rolling stone that gathers no moss."

- You will have more energy, live longer, look better. The list goes on.

And, here are more reasons why you benefit from applying yourself to at least some form of consistent weight loss diet programming...

- Prevention of chronic health conditions

- Boosts of both confidence and self-esteem

- Natural mood enhancement achieved without stimulants, chemicals, over-the-counter drugs, or medicines.

- Stress reduction via the calming effects of energetic body movement.

- Reduction in feelings of anxiety or depression.

Not to mention a stronger heart muscle, and stronger bones too, which reduces osteoporosis.

There are even positive sexual side effects built into getting yourself back in shape again.

Now, is this enough to put your weight loss plan back into motion?

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