Here Are Four "C's" for Your Weight Management and Wellness...
Coffee, Tea and Disease Prevention:
Can you tell whether the following statement is FACT or FALLACY?
Coffee, black tea, and green tea all contain high amounts of antioxidant polyphenols that protect against heart disease and several other lifestyle-related cancers.
[Answer = FALLACY.]
Coffee does not, but tea stimulates specific enzymes that help detoxify carcinogens, decrease toxic cell duplication, and deter tumor growths, especially tumor growths related to breast, colon, esophageal, lung, and pancreatic cancers.
You may simply think of these drinks as, "caffeine," which remains a very "tricky" substance. For example, the information presented above highlights immunity and general health. Yet, it does not specifially mention weight loss or body fat reduction. Some findings published in the International Journal on Obesity, indicate that small amounts of caffeine were present in individuals with slightly lower incidence of Type II diabetes.
Yet, even researchers fail to fully understand the effects of caffeine on body fat. So, when in doubt, do without because the underreported fact is that caffeine is an addictive substance. And, losing weight confidently and comfortably is about elevating your power to make, and act upon, your own independent decisions.
Don't forget that caffeine inlcudes all forms of chocolate, plus cola drinks, and many so-called "healthy" energy drinks, as well as several popular dietary supplements or weight loss pills.
Here are three more, short, weight loss related fitness facts...
Colon Supportive Nutrition:
Which specific dietary nutrient supports the health of your colon and intestinal tract?
[Answer = Bran cereal fiber.]
Even across worldwide populations, high-fiber foods generally speed up movement time through the digestive tract. This supports a lower colon cancer occurrence, and sometimes, breast cancer, and heart disease, as well. Your best outcome includes coupling high-fiber intake with a low-saturated-fat intake.
Consistent Feeding:
Why do you need to eat six times a day?
[Answer = Thermogenesis.]
It's a fancy term for "heat production from metabolic processing." Each time you eat, your body has to process this food, and this processing expends caloric energy, sometimes lasting for hours after you eat. So, it's a good idea to feed your body on a consistent, regular basis because you expend more energy than eating just one or two meals. [NOTE: A common mistake made here is thinking that meals have to be LARGE. On the contrary, even an apple comprises a meal, when you plan it as part of your balanced, daily, food-intake strategy. Fundamentally, you have to put thought into how you eat, if you want to lose weight. FYI: Better-Body.Biz can share with you some accurate examples of "six meals" per day food-intake plans.
Cooked Food Toxicity:
Does the following statement seem like FACT or FALLACY to you?
Merely "cooking" or "processing" a food can produce toxic substances, especially in people who are genetically predisposed.
[Answer = FACT.]
This is why "whole" foods, or uncooked plant-food intake (along with exercise) tends to curtail excess body fat and promotes a health-enhancing dietary tradition of prevention.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Four "C's" for Your Weight Management and Wellness
body fat,
six meals,
whole foods
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