ABSTRACT: You must uncover the true source of your weight loss difficulty in order to clear the road for body fat triumph. If you seek to enjoy fat loss status and keep it for almost any ongoing timeframe, then boosting your weight loss discernment or wisdom becomes paramount. On-shelf media, bookstores, online search details, and a plethora of other popular informational sources may all too easily give you gobs of well-founded or slightly off-based niceties from which to choose. Recognizing and weeding out the bad from the good, more than ever, becomes a necessary weight loss skill that also gives you monumental lifestyle advantage. [Continue...]
It's no big surprise why you may be experiencing difficulty achieving your weight loss desires. Losing body fat actually comes down to a matter of ingesting, not food, but information. So, it's your MIND that deserves attention and focus, even more than your body. Why is this solid fat loss fact? Expanding your intellectual horizon boosts your body fat control because human anatomy is highly complex machinery. You have to study the controls, and practice working them. And, you must do this in your REAL world, not just by reading about it.
And, right there, difficult weight loss challenge number one presents itself to you. Who wants to READ body fat books? More importantly, who has the time these days? Especially if you live in America, your time is likely almost completely filled up already with chores, tasks, schedules, meetings, business and other things you have to do. Then, as each fat loss opportunity eludes you, it is the body that lets you know something amiss in your weight loss diet dealings. More pounds trickle in, who knows from where they come. Yet, excess body fat becomes amazingly adept at "creeping up on you."
All that said, there is one more big reason why you can't lose weight - and this one bears the greatest significance.
When it comes to shedding pounds, it's "what you know" that can make or break your consistency. Right now, you can bet there is something you surely do not know about how to lose body fat. That is, not every approach works successfully. People are individuals, virtually different, often uniquely compatible with, or greatly non-reactive to specific approaches, methods, and plans.
Case in point: popular weight loss dieting beliefs and opinions suggest that eat less food in general, plus fill your plate with complex carbohydrates. So many dieters have tried this and come to arrive at an utterly shocking conclusion. They actually gain weight instead of losing body fat. Yet, that original piece of diet weight loss nutrition advice has merit, and it generally works when combined with the right exercise program and body receptivity.
However, what about those thousands of people who get no results from such a body fat reducing dietary suggestion? In this, it is not the EATING that causes the problem. It is the understanding of WHY and HOW you are eating to achieve gradual, safe, and long-lasting weight loss effect. In essence, again, this is about enhancing or upgrading your knowledge base.
FYI: There are diet plans that work for thousands of people, eating no grains, literally keeping carbohydrates to an absolute minimum. (In reality, positive results also belong to individuals who do NOT follow the Food Pyramid guidelines, and this may sound outrageous). Nonetheless, the simple matter is that you have to find out which fat loss approaches are complementary to your beliefs, physical body, and personal style.
In this case, the results of laboratory tests may not faze you much, when virtually all you really want to know is, "Hey, what weight loss tactic truly works well for me?"
To further address the idea proposed here, that it's no wonder why you can't lose weight... consider this.
You can eat six meals a day.
You can do 60-minute aerobic sessions three times each week.
You can eat only according to your body type or blood type.
You can completely cut out carbohydrates.
You can eat extra carbohydrates via complex grains.
You can consume foods from non-animal sources only.
Or, you can eat absolutely anything you want and still lose weight.
It's no wonder why you can't lose weight. There are monstrous amounts of body fat information permeating your space. Which do you choose? And, more importantly, how do you know that what you choose is RIGHT?
Professionally speaking, in the weight loss world, there is no "one size fits all" approach to YOUR individual success. This means, you have to learn to absorb high quality body fat facts on a consistent and regular basis. Further, you best benefit from this undertaking, by focusing on HOW and WHY, rather than WHAT should you do to lose weight.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Christian Lifestyle Weight Loss - Part One of Two.
How would you like to be able to lower your cholesterol, lose weight, get fit, prevent cancer, eat more often, and feel great, too?
Forget the fads, hypes, or gimmicks and use sheer Christian power. The Bible says you can do it, and if you're reading this excerpt, then surely you want to obtain weight loss satisfaction.
Don't be surprised that what the Christian Bible reveals about reducing body fat and eating right -- is the same as what expert fitness instructors, personal trainers, nutrition counselors, and alternative medicinal practitioners will tell you. And, this fact, in itself, may be your clue that simply "getting it done" is your major challenge to overcome.
Okay. With that said, let's get right down to the business of losing weight.
What is your true, long-term, no-gimmick solution to getting rid of unwanted body fat?
As a Christian, you have an added advantage over millions of other people who wish they could lose weight successfully. Your extra plus is this... you possess the combined knowledge of scripture plus science. You can therefore use scriptural guidelines in combination with proven weight management expertise to bring pounds down to a minimum.
Considering that losing weight can be a superlatively vast and complex matter, allow today to be a simplistic one. In that, just focus on one crucial component that affects your body composition -- that is, eating with the lowest possible saturated fat intake.
Everybody knows, Christian and non Christian alike, that exercise and eating are primary weight loss tools. However, with that oh-so-common formula, there can still easily exist one missing link to your fat loss triumph. That would be your emotional, intellectual, or spiritual will power.
An all too common Christian cliche is this one: "The Body Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Weak." Yes, a very true statement, and not only from a Christian lifestyle perspective. Inclusively, this statement for all people around the world means that in our lives, we all find it difficult to MAKE OURSELVES DO THINGS that can be powerfully beneficial. Makes little sense, logically speaking, yet the body is not about "logic." The human body is more like a baby who must learn how to be adapt to, and/or be satisfied with whatever he or she is acclimated, exposed to, shown, or taught.
Then, too, notice that a baby has no trouble with BEING ABLE to eat, rather his or her challenge is to learn what food intakes will cause unpleasant reactions afterward. Trial and error would be the baby's experience, if it were not for the sound, caring advice and guidance of the parent.
In this analogy, parental expertise or supervision provides the child with a great list of foods to choose -- and all of these foods already pass the test for beneficial nutrition, stimulative growth factors, and positive long-term health.
If a baby can eat so wisely, why can't you, as a Christian adult? The answer is, You Can. Although you're not a baby any more (hopefully:-) it's time for you to again benefit from the advice, guidance, and supervision of your overseer. And, for the Christian, this is Jesus Christ, whose words live on and remain available to you via biblical principle.
FYI: Here is an excellent ebook on Christian lifestyle weight loss.
Forget the fads, hypes, or gimmicks and use sheer Christian power. The Bible says you can do it, and if you're reading this excerpt, then surely you want to obtain weight loss satisfaction.
Don't be surprised that what the Christian Bible reveals about reducing body fat and eating right -- is the same as what expert fitness instructors, personal trainers, nutrition counselors, and alternative medicinal practitioners will tell you. And, this fact, in itself, may be your clue that simply "getting it done" is your major challenge to overcome.
Okay. With that said, let's get right down to the business of losing weight.
What is your true, long-term, no-gimmick solution to getting rid of unwanted body fat?
As a Christian, you have an added advantage over millions of other people who wish they could lose weight successfully. Your extra plus is this... you possess the combined knowledge of scripture plus science. You can therefore use scriptural guidelines in combination with proven weight management expertise to bring pounds down to a minimum.
Considering that losing weight can be a superlatively vast and complex matter, allow today to be a simplistic one. In that, just focus on one crucial component that affects your body composition -- that is, eating with the lowest possible saturated fat intake.
Everybody knows, Christian and non Christian alike, that exercise and eating are primary weight loss tools. However, with that oh-so-common formula, there can still easily exist one missing link to your fat loss triumph. That would be your emotional, intellectual, or spiritual will power.
An all too common Christian cliche is this one: "The Body Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Weak." Yes, a very true statement, and not only from a Christian lifestyle perspective. Inclusively, this statement for all people around the world means that in our lives, we all find it difficult to MAKE OURSELVES DO THINGS that can be powerfully beneficial. Makes little sense, logically speaking, yet the body is not about "logic." The human body is more like a baby who must learn how to be adapt to, and/or be satisfied with whatever he or she is acclimated, exposed to, shown, or taught.
Then, too, notice that a baby has no trouble with BEING ABLE to eat, rather his or her challenge is to learn what food intakes will cause unpleasant reactions afterward. Trial and error would be the baby's experience, if it were not for the sound, caring advice and guidance of the parent.
In this analogy, parental expertise or supervision provides the child with a great list of foods to choose -- and all of these foods already pass the test for beneficial nutrition, stimulative growth factors, and positive long-term health.
If a baby can eat so wisely, why can't you, as a Christian adult? The answer is, You Can. Although you're not a baby any more (hopefully:-) it's time for you to again benefit from the advice, guidance, and supervision of your overseer. And, for the Christian, this is Jesus Christ, whose words live on and remain available to you via biblical principle.
FYI: Here is an excellent ebook on Christian lifestyle weight loss.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Weight Loss Digestive Rumble
Your stomach makes a rumbling sound just before it’s time to eat because you are starving yourself. TRUE or FALSE. [Answer = FALSE.] As you read further into this writing, you may easily see why.
Are you having any trouble at all losing body fat? Perhaps a different way to view fat loss difficulty is to grab hold of your untouched weight loss skill, like your “awareness,” your “emotions,” or your “understanding.”
The perception of managing weight for most, usually is one of “loss,” which can be a somewhat negative way of seeing things. Negative thinking leads to undesirable outcomes. So, intentionally transform your viewpoint into something that can assist, rather than destroy.
If you can actually get what you're asking for, in this case, you move ahead because you now understand what your body is doing. Additionally, you feel far greater during difficult phases because your awareness of body fat processes heightens.
Here, enters the concept of “digestion,” where, as you make changes to your lifestyle and ways of thinking... your muscles, organs, and entire metabolic processing system “make way” for new cellular structuring to occur.
Coupling your knowledge with skill allows your body fat to go where you most want it to... that is, out and away from your waistline or other susceptible body parts.
Certainly, don't starve yourself. However, you do need to eat LESS food. Still, the word “less,” in this regard, means more than “quantity. Surprisingly, you are far better off by eating MORE OFTEN during your 24-hour day - eating foods that have a lower fat composition. One side-effect is that your new metabolic fat-processing workout introduces an often unfamiliar sound, which you might call, “digestive rumbling.”
The sound does not indicate starvation, certainly not recommended for losing weight. Nonetheless, even with professionally prescribed eating plans, when you are losing calories, you lose fat-weight. This signals your gastrointestinal system to decrease the physical size of your stomach muscles. Rumbling sounds temporarily accompany your “shrinkage.”
Remember what it's like "hungry?" Allowing your system to "empty out" every once in a while does you well. We tend to eat constantly, often for no reason at all, except that "Food Is There."
You can manage this two-fold weight loss "trick:" 1) eat lots of small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolic furnace in "food-burning" mode; yet 2) simultaneously , consume high fiber FOOD TYPES, low in saturated fat, best without "hydrogenated" oils or "refined" sugars. Complementary weight loss items are normally plant foods from non-animal sources.
During your gradual calorie intake reducing process, you may occasionally hear your stomach make a rumbling sound just before it’s time to eat. Do not allow that sound to worry you because it essentially represents gastric juices, intestinal flora, and beneficial stomach acids cleaning out leftovers.
Also, you hear this sound accompanying the fact that your stomach literally is becoming just a bit smaller. Consequently, the future rumbling slowly discontinues because your required food intake amount decreases. Oftentimes, when you do not allow these two things to happen, it becomes literally impossible to lose weight.
Are you having any trouble at all losing body fat? Perhaps a different way to view fat loss difficulty is to grab hold of your untouched weight loss skill, like your “awareness,” your “emotions,” or your “understanding.”
The perception of managing weight for most, usually is one of “loss,” which can be a somewhat negative way of seeing things. Negative thinking leads to undesirable outcomes. So, intentionally transform your viewpoint into something that can assist, rather than destroy.
If you can actually get what you're asking for, in this case, you move ahead because you now understand what your body is doing. Additionally, you feel far greater during difficult phases because your awareness of body fat processes heightens.
Here, enters the concept of “digestion,” where, as you make changes to your lifestyle and ways of thinking... your muscles, organs, and entire metabolic processing system “make way” for new cellular structuring to occur.
Coupling your knowledge with skill allows your body fat to go where you most want it to... that is, out and away from your waistline or other susceptible body parts.
Certainly, don't starve yourself. However, you do need to eat LESS food. Still, the word “less,” in this regard, means more than “quantity. Surprisingly, you are far better off by eating MORE OFTEN during your 24-hour day - eating foods that have a lower fat composition. One side-effect is that your new metabolic fat-processing workout introduces an often unfamiliar sound, which you might call, “digestive rumbling.”
The sound does not indicate starvation, certainly not recommended for losing weight. Nonetheless, even with professionally prescribed eating plans, when you are losing calories, you lose fat-weight. This signals your gastrointestinal system to decrease the physical size of your stomach muscles. Rumbling sounds temporarily accompany your “shrinkage.”
Remember what it's like "hungry?" Allowing your system to "empty out" every once in a while does you well. We tend to eat constantly, often for no reason at all, except that "Food Is There."
You can manage this two-fold weight loss "trick:" 1) eat lots of small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolic furnace in "food-burning" mode; yet 2) simultaneously , consume high fiber FOOD TYPES, low in saturated fat, best without "hydrogenated" oils or "refined" sugars. Complementary weight loss items are normally plant foods from non-animal sources.
During your gradual calorie intake reducing process, you may occasionally hear your stomach make a rumbling sound just before it’s time to eat. Do not allow that sound to worry you because it essentially represents gastric juices, intestinal flora, and beneficial stomach acids cleaning out leftovers.
Also, you hear this sound accompanying the fact that your stomach literally is becoming just a bit smaller. Consequently, the future rumbling slowly discontinues because your required food intake amount decreases. Oftentimes, when you do not allow these two things to happen, it becomes literally impossible to lose weight.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Four "C's" for Your Weight Management and Wellness
Here Are Four "C's" for Your Weight Management and Wellness...
Coffee, Tea and Disease Prevention:
Can you tell whether the following statement is FACT or FALLACY?
Coffee, black tea, and green tea all contain high amounts of antioxidant polyphenols that protect against heart disease and several other lifestyle-related cancers.
[Answer = FALLACY.]
Coffee does not, but tea stimulates specific enzymes that help detoxify carcinogens, decrease toxic cell duplication, and deter tumor growths, especially tumor growths related to breast, colon, esophageal, lung, and pancreatic cancers.
You may simply think of these drinks as, "caffeine," which remains a very "tricky" substance. For example, the information presented above highlights immunity and general health. Yet, it does not specifially mention weight loss or body fat reduction. Some findings published in the International Journal on Obesity, indicate that small amounts of caffeine were present in individuals with slightly lower incidence of Type II diabetes.
Yet, even researchers fail to fully understand the effects of caffeine on body fat. So, when in doubt, do without because the underreported fact is that caffeine is an addictive substance. And, losing weight confidently and comfortably is about elevating your power to make, and act upon, your own independent decisions.
Don't forget that caffeine inlcudes all forms of chocolate, plus cola drinks, and many so-called "healthy" energy drinks, as well as several popular dietary supplements or weight loss pills.
Here are three more, short, weight loss related fitness facts...
Colon Supportive Nutrition:
Which specific dietary nutrient supports the health of your colon and intestinal tract?
[Answer = Bran cereal fiber.]
Even across worldwide populations, high-fiber foods generally speed up movement time through the digestive tract. This supports a lower colon cancer occurrence, and sometimes, breast cancer, and heart disease, as well. Your best outcome includes coupling high-fiber intake with a low-saturated-fat intake.
Consistent Feeding:
Why do you need to eat six times a day?
[Answer = Thermogenesis.]
It's a fancy term for "heat production from metabolic processing." Each time you eat, your body has to process this food, and this processing expends caloric energy, sometimes lasting for hours after you eat. So, it's a good idea to feed your body on a consistent, regular basis because you expend more energy than eating just one or two meals. [NOTE: A common mistake made here is thinking that meals have to be LARGE. On the contrary, even an apple comprises a meal, when you plan it as part of your balanced, daily, food-intake strategy. Fundamentally, you have to put thought into how you eat, if you want to lose weight. FYI: Better-Body.Biz can share with you some accurate examples of "six meals" per day food-intake plans.
Cooked Food Toxicity:
Does the following statement seem like FACT or FALLACY to you?
Merely "cooking" or "processing" a food can produce toxic substances, especially in people who are genetically predisposed.
[Answer = FACT.]
This is why "whole" foods, or uncooked plant-food intake (along with exercise) tends to curtail excess body fat and promotes a health-enhancing dietary tradition of prevention.
Coffee, Tea and Disease Prevention:
Can you tell whether the following statement is FACT or FALLACY?
Coffee, black tea, and green tea all contain high amounts of antioxidant polyphenols that protect against heart disease and several other lifestyle-related cancers.
[Answer = FALLACY.]
Coffee does not, but tea stimulates specific enzymes that help detoxify carcinogens, decrease toxic cell duplication, and deter tumor growths, especially tumor growths related to breast, colon, esophageal, lung, and pancreatic cancers.
You may simply think of these drinks as, "caffeine," which remains a very "tricky" substance. For example, the information presented above highlights immunity and general health. Yet, it does not specifially mention weight loss or body fat reduction. Some findings published in the International Journal on Obesity, indicate that small amounts of caffeine were present in individuals with slightly lower incidence of Type II diabetes.
Yet, even researchers fail to fully understand the effects of caffeine on body fat. So, when in doubt, do without because the underreported fact is that caffeine is an addictive substance. And, losing weight confidently and comfortably is about elevating your power to make, and act upon, your own independent decisions.
Don't forget that caffeine inlcudes all forms of chocolate, plus cola drinks, and many so-called "healthy" energy drinks, as well as several popular dietary supplements or weight loss pills.
Here are three more, short, weight loss related fitness facts...
Colon Supportive Nutrition:
Which specific dietary nutrient supports the health of your colon and intestinal tract?
[Answer = Bran cereal fiber.]
Even across worldwide populations, high-fiber foods generally speed up movement time through the digestive tract. This supports a lower colon cancer occurrence, and sometimes, breast cancer, and heart disease, as well. Your best outcome includes coupling high-fiber intake with a low-saturated-fat intake.
Consistent Feeding:
Why do you need to eat six times a day?
[Answer = Thermogenesis.]
It's a fancy term for "heat production from metabolic processing." Each time you eat, your body has to process this food, and this processing expends caloric energy, sometimes lasting for hours after you eat. So, it's a good idea to feed your body on a consistent, regular basis because you expend more energy than eating just one or two meals. [NOTE: A common mistake made here is thinking that meals have to be LARGE. On the contrary, even an apple comprises a meal, when you plan it as part of your balanced, daily, food-intake strategy. Fundamentally, you have to put thought into how you eat, if you want to lose weight. FYI: Better-Body.Biz can share with you some accurate examples of "six meals" per day food-intake plans.
Cooked Food Toxicity:
Does the following statement seem like FACT or FALLACY to you?
Merely "cooking" or "processing" a food can produce toxic substances, especially in people who are genetically predisposed.
[Answer = FACT.]
This is why "whole" foods, or uncooked plant-food intake (along with exercise) tends to curtail excess body fat and promotes a health-enhancing dietary tradition of prevention.
body fat,
six meals,
whole foods
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Chronic (“Degenerative”) Disease Avoidance
Just a quick tip for today...
What's the best "natural" way for you to promote your healthy lifestyle and avoid chronic diseases?
[Answer = Moderate-intensity physical activity, performed for about one to one-and-one-half hours per day.]
This is a great safeguard for adults with a normal body mass index. However, you simply cannot ignore your dietary recommendations because diet and exercise complement each other emphatically.
Your consistent practice of moderate to higher-level physical activity gives you more protection against diseases that develop over time. These are called "chronic" or “degenerative” diseases. Your diet (that is, the foods you choose to eat) also assists you in curtailing chronic disease development, by helping you to balance your energy expenditure and energy intake levels.
Therefore, you can use the above combined methods to naturally promote your healthy lifestyle and to avoid chronic diseases in the most non-invasive way.
(P.S.) By the way, do you need someone to write expert weight loss health fitness material for you? See the new Ghost Writer services at your convenience.
What's the best "natural" way for you to promote your healthy lifestyle and avoid chronic diseases?
[Answer = Moderate-intensity physical activity, performed for about one to one-and-one-half hours per day.]
This is a great safeguard for adults with a normal body mass index. However, you simply cannot ignore your dietary recommendations because diet and exercise complement each other emphatically.
Your consistent practice of moderate to higher-level physical activity gives you more protection against diseases that develop over time. These are called "chronic" or “degenerative” diseases. Your diet (that is, the foods you choose to eat) also assists you in curtailing chronic disease development, by helping you to balance your energy expenditure and energy intake levels.
Therefore, you can use the above combined methods to naturally promote your healthy lifestyle and to avoid chronic diseases in the most non-invasive way.
(P.S.) By the way, do you need someone to write expert weight loss health fitness material for you? See the new Ghost Writer services at your convenience.
physical activity,
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Ghost Writer Services Available
FYI: Ghost writing services are now available from...
Platinum Ezine-Articles Expert Author and E-books Publisher With Over 17 Years Experience in Diet Exercise Fitness Nutrition... Specializing in Aerobic Endurance Exercise Program Design & Weight Loss Achievement.
Do you need expert written content for your website, page, blog, ebook, article publications, ezine, newsletter or almost any other project?
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Greetings, I'm Kenneth Gene Dockins. I am an Author of both articles and ebooks, plus a Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Weight Management Consultant. Even more than that, I'm a Motivator. I've helped countless individuals worldwide to tap into their own previously unrecognized inner human resources and establish for themselves a long-term, enjoyable, safe, and practical weight loss direction... boosting confidence, enhancing lifestyle, and receiving rewarding body fat progress.
My training, style, and beliefs base themselves firmly upon concrete, ethical, and proven guidelines established by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association. Through the American Red Cross here in Van Nuys, California, I maintain current AED/CPR certified status, and have been certified by the American Council On Exercise as both a Personal Trainer, and a Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant.
Simply, type in "Ken Dockins articles" into any web browser, and you are sure to see countless quality articles that are already accepted, published, currently viewed or sought after by interested parties worldwide.
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You will find my work to possess a genuinely caring, humanely expressive, attractively articulate, yet easy-to-read format style. I am a philosopher, instructor, and pioneer at heart, enjoying and employing creativity that is both entertaining and informative. In most cases, you will be considered the genuine author of such work, which is our understanding in providing
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Platinum Ezine-Articles Expert Author and E-books Publisher With Over 17 Years Experience in Diet Exercise Fitness Nutrition... Specializing in Aerobic Endurance Exercise Program Design & Weight Loss Achievement.
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Greetings, I'm Kenneth Gene Dockins. I am an Author of both articles and ebooks, plus a Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Weight Management Consultant. Even more than that, I'm a Motivator. I've helped countless individuals worldwide to tap into their own previously unrecognized inner human resources and establish for themselves a long-term, enjoyable, safe, and practical weight loss direction... boosting confidence, enhancing lifestyle, and receiving rewarding body fat progress.
My training, style, and beliefs base themselves firmly upon concrete, ethical, and proven guidelines established by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association. Through the American Red Cross here in Van Nuys, California, I maintain current AED/CPR certified status, and have been certified by the American Council On Exercise as both a Personal Trainer, and a Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant.
Simply, type in "Ken Dockins articles" into any web browser, and you are sure to see countless quality articles that are already accepted, published, currently viewed or sought after by interested parties worldwide.
Ezine Articles, for one, has given me their Platinum Ezine Articles Expert Author award and designation, plus several other reputable, high profile online publishers are expressing continued interest in my writings.
You will find my work to possess a genuinely caring, humanely expressive, attractively articulate, yet easy-to-read format style. I am a philosopher, instructor, and pioneer at heart, enjoying and employing creativity that is both entertaining and informative. In most cases, you will be considered the genuine author of such work, which is our understanding in providing
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Please feel free to contact me for your highest quality and lowest cost ghost writing services. I look forward to helping you bring your projects alive and reach the goals you express.
Website: Better-Body.Biz Ghost Writing Services
Telephone: 1-213-985-3968
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