Monday, May 19, 2008

Whatever Weight You Are

Whatever weight you are, it takes a specific number of calories to stay there. So, right now, prepare to write down one of the most forceful yet simplistic weight loss tips you can easily and almost instantly benefit from... it's as simple as your ABCs:

A. Gain a calorie, gain some weight;

B. Lose a calorie, lose some weight;

C. Keep your calories, keep your weight.

And, on Part C, you can also look at it in this way...

C. Maintain your calories, maintain your weight.


C. Keep your calories the same; keep your weight the same.

Perhaps you don't need a reminder about what a calorie actually represents. Yet, a surprisingly high number of individuals who really and truly WANT to lose weight... still fail to face the fact that the physical part of weight loss is nearly ALWAYS ABOUT CALORIES. (For example, ninety-one percent of the weight loss keyword search results gathered for http://www.Better-Body.Biz come from visitors whom, after being surveyed, indicate a general lack of caloric energy balance knowledge.)

Sure, you can continue to settle for weight loss achievement that is far less than what you truly desire. And certainly, you can receive less-than-satisfactory motivation for that weight loss achievement to take place. However, no longer does it need to be difficult for you to understand how calories work.

Every food (except water) gives you calories. And, it remains your decision each day to decide what you wish to DO with the calories you consume.

- Calories are what go into your body, as a necessary fuel source.

- Calories are what come out of your body when you reach a high enough level of daily exercise output.

And, finally, calories are what stay around, in excess, when you do any and/or all of the following:

- Fail to comprehend what calories represent

- Ignore how many calories go into your body on a daily basis

- Overlook the recommended ways to eliminate excess calorie intake

- Remain still -- sitting, standing, or moving too slowly to activate threshold fat-burning metabolic rates.

Therefore, at whatever weight you are, make a conscious decision to apply at least one of the weight loss ABCs shown above.

Of course, for your result to be one of losing weight, you may intentionally choose Part A above, and apply it, as well.

Now, in this reading so far, you may be thinking, "I'm not really seeing anything new here, and what's the point?"

Okay, it's time for a basic weight loss challenge. Are you ready for activation? If so, then answer this question for yourself, "How Many Total Calories Did I Consume Yesterday?"

Take as much time as you need to recall, gather, and document your findings. And, above all... please be as accurate and honest as you can. If you wish, share your results with me, and let's see how we can reshape them for you into a better body.

There's no fee to talk about your fat-loss desires, goals, or plans. So, don't hesitate to get something started.

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