Monday, January 30, 2006

Destruction of Excess Body Fat

Destruction of Excess Body Fat
By: Kenneth G. Dockins, CPT, LWMC


Can You Do It? Can You Break Away the Parts You Don’t Want, and Simply Keep the Rest?

Oh, wouldn’t it be nice if you indeed COULD REALLY DESTROY your excess body fat?The scientific fact is that you can’t. And you already know why. Just recall the old adage you learned when you were a child. “Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.”But, not to worry because although you can’t demolish it, you can revise “rewrite” your body fat script and create some new scenery.

That is, you can move it around, and/or even “transform” it into something more useful, and this latter idea happens to be your best bet.


How Can You Make the Successful Body Fat Transformation?

How can you do this, and what do you need?

Virtually all you actually need is to possess an acute mental power. Let’s call it “patient yet aggressive fat-pounding personal resolve.”
  • You need patience because body fat literally passes through about seven metabolic processing centers before your transformation occurs. To keep the explanation short, suffice it to say these are the basic steps: from food you eat, to enzymatic hydrolysis, to oxidation, to energy release and utilization choice.
  • You simultaneously need an “aggressive” approach because sooner or later you have to meet your enemy head-on. And, saturated fat is your primary adversary, one that never sleeps when it comes to the creation and addition of more body fat cell size and proliferation. Since fat does not take a break, you might be able to borrow and utilize that same basic concept. Use a more aggressive attitude in finding ways to make yourself move, more often, more consistently, and with steadfast determination.
  • Now, what’s this “fat-pounding” idea? Truth be told, I simply made it up by combining literary and poetic license, plus formalized kinesiology research and study with professionally certified lifestyle & weight management consultant expertise and certified personal trainer experience. In other words, expert witness supports the fact that body fat needs to be worked on almost relentlessly.
    • Mild suggestion tells you that you might achieve some success with 10 minutes here and ten minutes there. However, don’t be totally surprised if you achieve little to nothing when using that approach. Here’s an appropriate analogy you might find helpful: You’re in a fight with body fat and only one of you is going to win. Let the winner be YOU by giving fat a beat-down, not the other way around.
  • You probably don’t’ need any further explanation about what “personal resolve” means. But, for sake of additional motivation, let’s talk about it anyway. Motivation, drive, inspiration, and force… that’s what RESOLVE is about. Do you have it? If yes, then apply it to converting more fat into energy. If you don’t already possess personal resolve, then here’s how to attain it…
    • Use “tricks.” No, not THOSE kinds of tricks, rather the exercise science and sport psychology related tricks that empower you to a specific end more convincingly. For example, it usually helps emphatically to be able to “visualize” something that you want to achieve. Then, apply effectively every effort toward that single objective. In that way, even when you fall short, you’re still not too far away from your desired goal.
    • Talk to yourself, especially when the going gets rough, in a very positive way. Tell yourself that you can do it, and constantly remind yourself of the reasons why you can do it. Reward yourself in advance because your journey should be enjoyable. In fact, the flight can be just as sweet as reaching the arrival point itself.
Finally, see your entire life as an OPPORTUNITY to move and add physical activity.

Your Firm Bottom Line

Need it be said that by building yourself up, you break fat down? Or, vice versa… you figuratively “destroy” fat by re-evaluating and firming up your resolve, approach, and reasoning.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Clearing The Weight Loss Mind

Weight Loss Is All In Your Mind

Americans alone spend over 45 billion dollars each year on weight loss products like so-called fat-burning supplements, shaping or toning creams, chairs that do your crunches for you, and the list goes on.

The irony of it all lies in the simplicity of weight loss itself. The fact is, was, and you can probably rely on its continued existence, that losing unwanted fat is clearly a matter of "understanding."

Since your understanding may lie in the realm of non-physical comprehension, you may easily be distracted from the simplistic truths about effective weight loss.

To lose the weight you desire, you only need to educate your mind. Sounds easy, right? Yet, that is the part that makes losing weight such a dynamic challenge.

I guarantee you that three thousand "little things" will get in your way once you definitely decide to lose weight. therefore, the very first thing you'll obviously need is "a sense of self-commitment."

You might see there, again, that you're now out of the physical realm of weight loss and right smack dab in the middle of emotional, motivational, and intellectual change.

If you want to lose weight without the yo-yo syndrome, you've got to get your mind ready for reeducation and the acquisition of fundamental, proven, long-term weight management technique.

This is quite purely a matter of enhancing your knowledge and upgrading your understanding. Lastly, then you must set, and commit to your body fat reduction goals. See, there it goes again... the word "commitment" is a strong clue that what you are facing is NOT so much physical, but mental at its core.

Your mind, your thoughts, your knowledge, your intellect, your determination, your motivation, your understanding, and your expectation to succeed... all of these are extremely necessary and outstandingly helpful. Consider the above, then ask yourself, "Are you truly about weight loss?" If you answer is, "Yes," then place your focused effort upon adaptation of thought and the acquisition of specific weight loss application and its associated knowledge.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Understanding Energy Balance and Exercise

What is the big deal about energy balance? Why do you truly need a greater understanding energy balance and exercise experience?

Because the more you increase your understanding energy balance and exercise comprehension, the higher your mastery of weight loss body composition gets! In other words, understanding energy balance and exercise helps you lose weight.

The bottom line is that your weight loss success is virtually all about making "lifestyle changes." And, even though you've heard it many times before... it's your actual "DOING" that places your weight loss task controls securely under your belt.

In a word, it's your conscientious self-teaching that allows you to acquire bona fide professional weight management skill. And this is something that's yours to keep, for the rest of your life, once you acquire the basics and own them for yourself.

And, that's only the beginning because you additionally benefit from your upgraded weight loss skill in countless other ways. See www.Better-Body.Biz to list them.